Your security guard!
A firewall is designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from your private network. The firewall is considered a first line of defense in protecting your private information and resources. All messages entering or leaving the network should pass through a firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.
| VPN Protect your privacy! A "Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network that is constructed by using public wires or airwaves to connect nodes. A VPN use the Internet to transfer data from point A to point B. It is imperative that the privacy and integrity of this information be protected during transmission. These systems use encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure only authorized user can access the network and that the data cannot be read if intercepted.
Anti-virus Kill them first! Anti-Virus software scans and searches an enterprise's e-mail, attachments and general traffic for virus, worms, Trojan Horses and other malicious applications. A-V software is critical to every security solution. With nearly 100 new attacks being discovered every day, you must protect your network against these attacks. If a virus, worm, Trojan Horse or other malicious code enters your network; there is unbridled potential for costly damage.
| Authentication Devices Know who they are! Authentication secures a networks most confidential information from unauthorized users. Authentication is the process of verifying an individual through a unique combination of information that cannot be duplicated. Strong 2 factor authentication ensures that an individual entering the network is who he or she claims to be. User name & password have proven time & time again to be very vulnerable and much to expensive to maintain. Strong 2 factor authentication is a smart step in any security plan.
Web-Filtering Keep employees from visiting undesired sites and protect your company from lawsuits! Web-filters contain a continually updated list of undesireable web-sites and block users from access to these sites while using the corporate network. Not only do these filters help protect your company against lawsuits they can also increase productivity by helping ensure web useage is more business focused. The products come with full monitoring/reporting capability for additional flexibility and planning.
| Anti-spyware/adware/malware The number one computer threat! These files are made by publishers, hackers or corporate spies that allow them to snoop on your key strokes. These programs can slow down your PC, cause it to crash and record sensitive information including passwords. If you’re like most internet users, chances are you’re infected with these files already. Simply surfing the internet, reading e-mail or downloading files will infect your PC.
Intrusion Detection & Prevention Know what's happening! Intrusion Detection (IDS) and intrusion Prevention (IPS) systems monitor network traffic for suspicious activity or data patterns to discover if a hacker is attempting to break into your company's network. When an attack is attempted, the IDS/IPS is a logical compliment to a firewall and extends the capabilities of network administrators to identify and respond to a variety of threats.
High Availability & Load Balancing Do More with Less! High Availability and Load Balancing ensures that firewalls and other hardware/software applications are constantly available and not vulnerable to component failures. Load balancing guarantees optimal usage of available resources. Instead of overwhelming a firewall or other server with high traffic volume affecting network performance, load balancing software distributes traffic to maintain peak network performance.